Our vision and values

Image depicting our core values. Image is made up of 10 hexagons, 5 with images including, baby feet, two children smiling towards the camera, metal cogs, two hands shaking, elderly lady smiling and holding te hand of someone off camera. The remaining five hexagons are orange with white text which includes the following words: " Respect", "Compassionate, high quality care", Innovation for excellence" I"Integrated partnership/teamwork" and "Person centred care".

Our vision is to promote independence and health, to deliver high quality, to provide care within the heart of the patient’s community. 


Value and respect other people’s knowledge, experience and skills. Listen and act on feedback, be fair and kind. Promote independence.

Compassionate, high quality care

Patients are respected and are equal partners in their care. Team goals are patient centred and improvements bottom up.

Innovation for excellence

Empower and listen to staff, try new ideas and be brave. Research, upskill and champion digital technology. Set the gold standard.

Integrated partnership/teamwork  

All staff work together and learn from each other. Strengthen team work via team events and buddying. Align IT systems and uniform.

Person centred care

Involve patients in service co design and make it easy for feedback to be given. Ensure safe staffing levels, reduce waiting lists and ensure GPs are involved in our service improvements.

To do this, we must achieve two things: clinical and leadership excellence for our staff; and involvement, self-care and personalisation for our patients. We aspire to:

  • One - think Sutton first
  • Two - work across sectors
  • Three - get involved early
  • Four - build stronger, self-sufficient communities
  • Five - provide coordinated, seamless services

SHC values demonstrate the standards of care and experience every patient, carer and member or the public should expect from any of our services. They help shape everything we do.