Pulmonary Rehabilitation

people using gym equipment

Pulmonary Rehabilitation (PR) is a programme of exercise and education for patients with chronic lung disease Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), asthma, bronchiectasis, and interstitial lung disease. Each programme is individually tailored to each patient. A course of PR usually lasts six to eight weeks, with two sessions of about two hours each week. It is delivered in two different venues across Sutton.

Jubilee Health Centre, SM6 0HY: Monday and Wednesday 10am -12noon and 11am -1pm

Granfer’s community Centre, SM1 3AA: Tuesday and Thursday 12.30pm - 2.30pm

We will discuss and make sure you are enrolled to attend classes at your preferred venue which is easily accessible for you. You’ll be in a group with other people too.

Overview of the service

Whilst Pulmonary Rehabilitation will not heal or cure your lung condition, it can help you do more despite this. For example, walk further and manage daily tasks easier.

Participating in Pulmonary rehabilitation will help you to:

  • Improve breathlessness
  • Improve general health and level of fitness
  • Improve muscle strength
  • Improve ability to carry out daily tasks
  • Gain a better understanding of lung diseases
  • Better control your symptoms
  • Improve the level of confidence and quality of life you have.

Who can access this service?

Patients referred to Pulmonary Rehabilitation need to meet the following criteria:

  • Confirmed chronic respiratory diagnosis (COPD, Asthma, Bronchiectasis, Interstitial Lung Disease)
  • Limited functional ability due to breathlessness (usually MRC breathlessness grade 3 or above)
  • Following hospital admission with an exacerbation of lung disease.


  • Patients who are on optimal medical management
  • Agreeable to be referred and can commit to attending twice a week for 6 weeks.

This service is not suitable for patients who are:

  • Unable to walk more than 4m independently (with or without a walking aid)
  • Unable to follow simple commands (in a group environment)
  • Known uncontrolled cardiac arrhythmias
  • Unstable cardiovascular disease (e.g., unstable angina, severe aortic stenosis, abdominal aortic aneurysm >5.5cm)
  • Severe locomotor disease preventing the patient from being able to exercise at a moderate intensity (severe arthritis, peripheral vascular disease, CVA).

Team members who could be involved in patient care are:

Respiratory specialist physiotherapists, Respiratory specialist nurse, Respiratory specialist Occupational therapist and a rehabilitation assistant.

What to expect

A PR course usually starts with an assessment of your respiratory problems, general health and your current functional status.

The PR team will ask questions related to your health problems to understand your health better so that they can tailor and guide your sessions to get the best out of the course. You will be also encouraged to do walk tests to understand your oxygen levels and problems on exertion. This will also help the PR team to tailor their exercise prescription to meet your ability in a safe way.

During the course, you will spend half the time exercising and the other half for self-management education talks. While exercising, getting out of breath is part of the therapy. But don’t worry, 2 members of the PR team will be there throughout the session to support you to get through the session who will also adjust the exercises to work at the safe level for you.

Some examples of the exercises are as given below. They are taken from the Asthma Lung UK ‘Keep Active exercise booklet’ which will be given to you on your first exercise session.

illustration of a person using weights  illustration of a person squatting

Following the exercise session, you will be attending talks by professionals involved in your care and learn about topics related to managing your lung condition such as:

  • Why to exercise with a lung condition
  • Breathlessness management includes breathing exercises
  • Inhaler technique and medications
  • Eating well with a lung condition
  • Identifying signs of flare ups and managing flare ups
  • Anxiety and stress management
  • Managing activities of daily living with a lung condition
  • Travelling with a lung condition
  • How to clear secretions in lung condition
  • Information about home oxygen therapy
  • What’s available on completion of PR programme to continue activities in the community

Is patient self-referral available?

Yes, we accept self referrals only for those who have previously completed the programme over a period of 12 months. Patients should contact the SPOR to make a self referral and it will be triaged by a clinician to identify if it’s appropriate to be accepted to the service.

All new patients will need to be referred to Pulmonary Rehabilitation by either your GP, hospital respiratory team or another health care professional.

Is transport provided?

No, patients will need to provide their own transport.

Are home visits available?

Pulmonary rehabilitation programme is a structured program designed to deliver at clinic setting to achieve its benefits of improving breathlessness and quality of life.

Due to limited evidence around benefits of home based pulmonary rehabilitation, our service does not offer a comprehensive home based pulmonary rehabilitation programme. However, for those who are housebound following recent illness/exacerbation, if they are motivated and identified SMART goals to participate in pulmonary rehabilitation programme, we offer once a week, up to 6- 8 week sessions at home with an aim to enable them to attend the clinic based programme.


Jubilee health centre:

Venue car park is free for all users and blue badge holders. It’s located in front of the building

  • Shotfield Pay & Display Car Park is available within 200m: Blue Badge parking bay(s) available within the car park.
  • On Street marked Blue Badge bays are not available.
  • Clearly signed and / or standard marked parking bays are not available.
  • There is a designated drop off point located to the left of the main entrance.

Granfer’s Community centre:

  • Pay and display parking available
  • Disable parking bay
  • Buses to and from Sutton Green