Coil procedure information

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Please watch the video and read the following information before booking an appointment.

Once you have watched the video please complete this online form to make an appointment.

We will text you with an appointment which may initially be a telephone call.

We need to make sure that you are not at risk of being pregnant when you attend for a fitting. If you are currently using a hormonal method (pill, patch, vaginal ring, injection and non-expired implant) then your device can be fitted at any convenient time. Please continue to use your current method correctly until your fitting appointment.

If you are currently using condoms, diaphragm, natural methods of contraception or have an expired implant or expired IUD/IUS device you should either:

Coil procedure information - pregnancy
  • Abstain from sex from day one of your period until your fitting (or abstain from sex for three weeks if your periods are irregular)
  • Use the pill, patch, vaginal ring, for at least four weeks before your coil fitting

If you need to replace your current IUD/IUS device and it has not yet expired then this can be done on any convenient day. Please make sure you abstain from sex or use condoms for seven days before the fitting.

coil procedure - infection

We need to make sure you do not have an infection. If you have not tested in the past 3 months please do an online test at (Sutton residents).

Surrey residents can order a kit here:

Croydon residents can order a kit here:

If you do not live in an area covered by these service please call 0208 296 3910 for advice

On the day of your appointment:

Where possible we will fit your device at your appointment. However, there may be reasons why the fitting may need to be deferred. If this happens then the doctor or nurse who is seeing you will explain why.

When attending your appointment:

  • Please allow time for parking, if you are late for your appointment we may not be able to see you.
  • Eat and take simple pain relief (e.g paracetamol or ibuprofen) before your appointment
  • Please do not bring children with you to the appointment. If you have no alternative, then you must bring someone to look after them during your appointment.